Mar. 28, 2023
HARRISBURG – Rep. Mike Cabell (R-Luzerne) issued the following statement regarding
today’s hearing on government voter suppression in Washington, D.C., that was convened by the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on House Administration.
“What played out today in Washington, D.C., only further validates the many concerns that residents have expressed to me about the integrity of Luzerne County’s election process last fall after many polling places ran out of paper and could not print ballots.
“I’m glad this Congressional committee was able to hear directly from my constituents on problems they saw. That includes a Hunlock Township man who said paper was never delivered to his polling place after they ran out at about 10 a.m. and a woman from Hunlock who still doesn’t know to this day if her provisional ballot was ever counted.
“The fiasco that occurred can never happen again. Like everyone else, I am anxiously awaiting the results of the Luzerne County district attorney’s investigation into this matter.
“In the meantime, though, we can work on election integrity at the state level by using Florida as an example. Florida has a fair, just and expeditious system. They count all their ballots in hours. It takes Pennsylvania days. Whether it’s running out of paper or the delayed counting of ballots or the strengthening of our voter ID laws, we need to address these issues now to restore faith in one of the hallmarks of our democracy.”
Representative Mike Cabell
117th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Andy Briggs
717-260-6474 /